Exploring the Knox County Budget, (Beta)NOTE: Detailed 2016 Schools spending data not yet availableNote: On larger screens, detailed breakdowns are available.
You can select years by clicking and ←scrolling→ down here (and/or use left/right arrow keys)
Exploring the Knox County Budget (Beta)
Best Viewed on Desktop
This is a Beta work-in-progress,
developed using data openly available from the Knox County Tennessee Finance Department.
This site is NOT affiliated with the Knox County government.
Special thanks to Jennifer Bodie and Chris Caldwell of the Knox
County Finance Department, who in the spirit of openness and transparency
have made the data available in formats amenable to
visualizations such as the current one.
To get you started, you can take a tour that will highlight
a few interesting things, as well as show some of the features of the visualization.
You can exit or restart the tour at any time.
You can drill down to line items for any year by clicking on the
one of the rectangles, which will then show a sortable table.
For each row of a detail table, you can click on the
icon to display an interactive graph over time for that line item.